Variety: Australský ovčák
Color: Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan
Date of birth: 19.04.2021
Initial Pedigree Nr.: CMKU/AUO/7713/21
Microchip: 953010004576270
Height: cm
Sex: Female
Red deposit:
Other Pedigree Nr.:
Length: cm
Breeding status: Approved for breeding in CZ
Note on breeding: Chovná fena, v. 50 cm, PT 99 b.
Health information
Bite: Scissor
Dentition: Complete
Teeth (note):
Last modification: 29.05.2024 00:00:00
Note: HUU, NCL6, PCD - N/N nepostižen - 17.1.2024 Genomia s.r.o.
Breeding Approval details
Rozšířená bonitace Praha
Absolvovala rozšířenou bonitaci - v. 50 cm, hlava náznak římského nosu, nedostatečná modelace pod očima, ucho poměrně vysoko nasazené, korektně nesené, správného tvaru a střední velikosti, oko mandlové, správně uloženo, L + P hnědé, chrup úplný, skus nůžkový, krk dle standardu, hrudník užší, mělčí, hřbet rovný, silný a vodorovný, klenutá bedra v pohybu, záď více spáditá, kratší, břicho dle standardu, postoj hrudních končetin tlapka vytáčená lehce, pravá více, lopatky správně uložené, správné délky, končetina silná, úhlení korektní, postoj pánevních tlapka lehce vytáčená, hlezna delší, rovnoběžná, úhlení korektní, ocas dlouhý, bez zálomku, srst střední textury aí délky, barva dle standardu, malé skvrny dilute na hlavě, pigmentace odpovídá barvě srsti, víčka plně pigmentovaná, pysky plně pigmentované, nosní houba plně pigmentovaná, pohyb horší posun vzadu, různá délka kroku vzadu vpředu, pohlavní výraz vyjádřen správně, kondice výstavní, celkový vzhled vyvážený, střední velikosti a kostry, správného rámce dle standardu, povaha vyrovnaná, živá, pozorná
Povahový test: 10 - 10 - 20 - 5 - 10 - 15 - 9 - 10 - 10 = 99 b.
žádná reakce na střelbu
poznámka k PT: přátelská, temperamentní
(9.4.2023, rozh. Hana Písarčíková)
13.05.2023 | |
Open | Excellent |
Other exhibitions:
Working examinations
Other tests:
ZZO - 29.10.2023 Netolice - 42b. (prospěl) - rozh. P. Veselka
Working competitions
T gen - C/C (přirozeně nezkrácený ocas) - 17.1.2024 Genomia s.r.o.
B lokus - B/bs (jedinec přenáší hnědou barvu) - 17.1.2024 Genomia s.r.o.
2.3.2024+3.3.2024 neúspěšné krytí ACAWOY od Jezera Vápenice
There are no user photos uploaded for this dog
There are no user videos uploaded for this dog
Full Siblings
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
Offsprings 6x
Photo/Video 2x
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 5x
ALBA Štístko ze Štěpánky |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Photo/Video 1x
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Offsprings 5x
ALLIME Emiharr |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Photo/Video 1x
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 21x
AMONITE Diamantové tlapky |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Photo/Video 1x
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 21x
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 23x
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 12x
AURA Štístko ze Štěpánky |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Photo/Video 1x
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 2x
HYPERION Apeiron |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 1x
CHLOE z Radlické čtvrti |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 1x
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan |
No result