This database is operated by KCHBO, z.s. for over twenty years. The initial version by Mr. Rokos was replaced in 2008 by more sophisticated version from (Jiří Mlnařík), which already enabled the recording of more parameters and the generating of mating documents. We switched to the current model by Mr. Jaroslav Maňo in 2024. This new system enhances database security, adds functionalities and management options, and, above all, opens up the possibility for further development, which we intend to pursue.
From the very beginning it was KCHBO, z.s. (formerly known as the Klub chovatelů belgických ovčáků v českých zemích), whose representatives and members devoted thousands of hours without exaggeration to inputting valuable data about our breeds - Belgian and Australian Shepherds, and whose members financed the development of the software.
This database is intended for breeders, BSD and Aussie owners and anyone interested in these breeds.
The data in the database have been provided by clubs, cynological associations, breeders or dog owners.
Our goal is to include all individuals registered in Czech stud books, along with five generations of their ancestors. However, this is a long-term project, there are already over 75,000 dogs in this database, but we are still far from completion. We ask owners and breeders to send information so that the database is as complete as possible and to notify us of any errors. We believe that this database will help you promote your dogs more effectively, as well as get more information for planning your breeding.
What does the database enable?
- Records of information about the dog in the following extent: titles before the name, name, titles after the name, breed/variety, colour (including red carriers and tail lenght for Aussies), sex, date of birth, date of death, reason and category of death, registration number, additional registration number (e.g. in case of imported or exported individuals), tattoo and chip number, breeding status (currently approved for breeding in the Czech Republic x others), notes on breeding approval, height and length.
- Very extensive information about the dog's health, including the possibility to record the date of the examination and the veterinarian who performed it (x-ray examination, hereditary eye diseases examination, DNA testing for health and traits, other additional health information including special columns for epilepsy and stomach cancer), information about testicles, bite and teeth, notes on dentition.
- The dog's breeder, owner, previous owner, and each can customize what information will be published about them.
- Breeding approval report, titles and awards, exams and trials, and other notes on the dog.
- Pedigree of an individual with an optional number of generations from 3 to 7 with inbreeding coefficient (Wright’s formula, based on displayed generations). The pedigree includes basic titles before and after the name, health information and colour/variety of the ancestor. It also contains icons symbolizing uploaded photos of an ancestor, the death of an ancestor, and by hovering the mouse over the descendant icon, you will find out how many descendants the ancestor had in total.
- Records and a list of show results, which are also automatically transferred to the cards of dogs who participated in the show.
- Option to upload and publish files for exams, titles and health.
- Photo gallery of the dog, including the option to upload user photos and links to videos by the owner.
- List of siblings and half-siblings and list of offsprings of a dog. Both lists contain individuals including their titles before and after the name, a basic health information and icons symbolizing the presence of a photo on the individual's card, the number of descendants and the eventual death of the individual.
All card sections may not be displayed if they are not filled out.
- The database also offers a wide search filter. Without logging in, you can only search by name, with logging in, you can search by other parameters, which you can combine as you wish. Members of the KCHBO, z.s club have an access to extended search filter.
- request kennel assignment.
- request to assign dogs.
- request the assignment of membership rights for administration.
- edit your data and their public visibility (from "show nothing", when the user is marked only with an ID number to various variants of displaying contact data).
- upload user photos and videos of your dogs or your offsprings.
- additional options for managing your own dog's data are planned, with all updates being admin-verified, because verified and reliable data is key for us.
- enables registration of show results in following extent: date and type of show, venue, judges, individual dogs with class and results, notes on the show. The results are presented in a dedicated module with search filters.
- the results in the show module are automatically recorded in the dog's card, there are links from the dog's card to the show and from the show to the dog's card.
- all results from CAC shows in the Czech Republic are added, other shows according to time possibilities, shows with the participation of Czech dogs are preferred.
- KCHBO, z.s members can generate mating documents online for their brood bitches. This section is not accessible to non-members.
- we are preparing a whole system for reporting matings and litters in the future.
Why register?
By registering you allow other visitors to share your contact information (based on your chosen visibility settings). You can also join our mailing list for news and updates. Certain functions are only available to registered users, while advanced features are reserved for KCHBO, z.s members.
Please check if you are already listed in the database before registering. If so, use the forgotten password function.
How to submit information?
Currently, only database administrators and breeding advisors can add information to the database and they are responsible for the veracity of this data. Please send requests to update your dogs’ cards to the respective advisors’ e-mail addresses.
What information will be taken into account?
All information must be documented, especially health tests. Send your advisor a scan of health tests, titles, or exams, and they will update the dog’s card accordingly. If the dog has registered health tests in one of the public databases managed by clubs or associations, it is possible to send just a link (e.g. KoiraNet, SKK Hunddata, SCC, OFA, etc.). Of course, account is also taken of information verified by stud books, i.e. listed in the dog’s pedigree. For information about teeth, bites and testicles a report from show pr breeding approval, where the condition of teeth and bite is explicitly listed (for testicles, the number of descended testicles in the scrotum is given), may be used. If you do not have such a certificate, you can use the club form filled out by a veterinarian (form - dog , form - female ). ). If you have information about missing teeth, a bad bite, or missing testicles in your dogs and dogs from your breeding, we would be very happy if you share them with us. Information on missing teeth, bite issues, or missing testicles can be submitted without documentation – we trust no one would falsify such details. This information is very valuable to all breeders and we in no way intend to make fun of anyone with it, on the contrary, we greatly value the open and truthful sharing of information.
How are updates prioritized?
Priority is given to data on currently studs and brood bitches in the Czech Republic, about parents of puppies born or expected in the Czech Republic, with KCHBO, z.s members receiving priority.
Contact the administrator
Please send requests and documents to database administrators.
Central e-mail for sending documentation and photos to add to the database:
Breeding Advisors:
For Australian Shepherds: Lenka Dušánková, tel. 775 965 665,
For Groenendaels: Ing. Iva Baráková, tel. 776 627 327,
For Malinois: Markéta Dlabová, tel. 723 614 743,
For Laekenois and Tervueren: Hana Pisarčíková, tel. 608 870 565,
Processed by:
Input data of the original database: Hana Pisarčíková, Blanka Poláčková, Slávka Podmolová, Lenka Dvořáková, Martina Hodková
System: Jaroslav Maňo