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Albatros Magicberry

Albatros Magicberry

ID: 10523

Dog name Variety Color Sex Date of birth
ETTELWEN Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 25.09.2022
ESTEL Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 25.09.2022
ERUWEN Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Female 25.09.2022
ERUMELINDA Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Female 25.09.2022
ERUMAXË Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Female 25.09.2022
ERMË Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Female 25.09.2022
ERUECCO Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Male 25.09.2022
ERTUR Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Male 25.09.2022
ELIO Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Male 25.09.2022
DOUBLE PURPLE TICKLE Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 20.03.2022
DRAGON FLY Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan Female 20.03.2022
DOUBLE ABU DHABI Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan Female 20.03.2022
RITY NELLIE Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Female 20.03.2022
DARK BERRIES Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan Male 20.03.2022
CAPPUCINO Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Male 15.09.2021
Offsprings 10x 🐶
COFFE CREAM Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 15.09.2021
COCONUT CREAM Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 15.09.2021
CRUNCHY COOKIE Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Male 15.09.2021
CRISPY CORNFLAKE Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Male 15.09.2021
COCA COLA Albatros Magicberry
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Male 15.09.2021