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ID: 6955

Dog name Variety Color Sex Date of birth
WILDWOOD RED MORAINE Sfora z Krasnego Boru
Australian Shepherd Red-merle with white markings and brown tan Male 07.03.2016
W' BOWMORE Sfora z Krasnego Boru
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Male 22.06.2015
Offsprings 3x 🐶
Ch. CZEKOLADA Sfora z Krasnego Boru
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan Female 09.11.2012
ESTE MIA Sfora z Krasnego Boru
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 28.10.2012
Offsprings 1x 🐶
PIXI-S Sfora z Krasnego Boru
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 05.08.2009
Offsprings 1x 🐶
JCh. PIPER Sfora z Krasnego Boru
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 05.08.2009