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Sweet Barbecue

Sweet Barbecue

ID: 9759

Dog name Variety Color Sex Date of birth
Offsprings 1x 🐶
BELLA Sweet Barbecue
Australian Shepherd Red-merle with white markings and brown tan Female 08.04.2021
BRIENNE Sweet Barbecue
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan Female 08.04.2021
Offsprings 7x 🐶
ARYA Sweet Barbecue
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Female 31.08.2019
ARWIN Sweet Barbecue
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Male 31.08.2019
ARTHUR Sweet Barbecue
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Male 31.08.2019
ARAGORN Sweet Barbecue
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Male 31.08.2019
AFREY Sweet Barbecue
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan Male 31.08.2019
AEGON Sweet Barbecue
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan Male 31.08.2019