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Mezinárodní výstava

Date: 12.10.2013

Place: Dortmund, D

Type: International show

Number of dogs: 58


Alfred Klapproth - Laekenois, Tervueren,

Marion Ten Cate - Groenendael, Malinois,

Dog name Class Awards Rank Title Note

Groenendael | Male

LUKE von der Feldstiege Junior Excellent 1 VDH-Cha Ju, Jugendsieger
RÛNES RHAPSODY de Bruine Buck Junior Excellent 2 res. VDH-Cha Ju
BLADE NELLA Camisa Negra Junior Very good 3
XANTUS vom Motodrom Junior Absent
KAYANDRO von Lucy's Hof Intermediate Excellent 1
Xanova WOLF WALKER Open Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, VDH-Cha
AXON ROYAL vom Raesfelder Marienthal Open Good
AIKO Deabei Working Excellent 1 VDH-Cha
CAJUS-MÁNADIS vom Chateau de Belgique Champion Excellent 1 res.CAC, res.CACIB, VDH-Cha

Groenendael | Female

EMMIE vom Johannisbach Puppy Not known
DAERAVEN vom Johannisbach Junior Excellent 1 VDH-Cha Ju, Jugendsieger
Revloch CAUSE FOR APPLAUSE Open Excellent 1 res.CAC, res.CACIB, VDH-Cha
GO CALL ME RÛNE BY de Bruine Buck Champion Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, VDH-Cha
FATALE DU CHATEAU de Montmirail Champion Excellent 2 res. VDH-Cha
ARIELLE vom Johannisbach Champion Excellent 3

Laekenois | Male

Longfields PURE ZEN Open Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, VDH-Cha

Laekenois | Female

WENDELIEN fan'e Rispringe Intermediate Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, VDH-Cha

Malinois | Male

Crazyfly'ndogs HOUSTON Junior Excellent 1 VDH-Cha Ju, Jugendsieger
OTIS vom Rheurdter Land Intermediate Absent
Alcosetha's GYRO Open Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, VDH-Cha

Malinois | Female

Crazyfly'ndogs HANUTA Junior Very good 1
GINGER des Mauvais Junior Very good 2
NAVIT vom Schnellen Fahnder Junior Good
GLYZERIN des Mauvais Junior Good
AYVAR vom Scheidgraben Intermediate Excellent 1 res.CAC, res.CACIB, VDH-Cha
Alcosetha's GABRIELLA Open Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, VDH-Cha
J'ERA vom Schnellen Fahnder Open Very good 2
CHARM of Greydon Open Very good 3
GELIA vom Schnellen Fahnder Open Absent
A'ZARA on Silent Wings Open Absent
BLUNA vom Eifeler Land Working Excellent 1 VDH-Cha
Malimaniac's ACAPELLA Working Absent

Tervueren | Male

YETI vom Motodrom‘ Puppy Very promising 1
ALANO de la Hacienda Pura Vida Junior Excellent 1 VDH-Cha Ju, Jugendsieger
NASHVILLE de Laqhorna Junior Very good 2
MONTEGO BLUE vom Egelschütz Intermediate Excellent 1 VDH-Cha
NEWTON vom Egelschütz Intermediate Excellent 2 res. VDH-Cha
Luavjan's FUNKY GALLO Open Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, VDH-Cha
van de Pillendijk JAGGER Open Excellent 2
UNAMI vom Motodrom Open Excellent 3
ECHNATON von Shaykira Open Absent
BRANDON von Danuwa Open Absent
JANNAK von der Feldstiege Open Absent
DIEGO de la Prairie de la Sommerau Champion Excellent 1 VDH-Cha
JIOVANNI di Scottatura Champion Excellent 2 res. VDH-Cha

Tervueren | Female

IZABEL du Domaine de l'Avenir Puppy Very promising 1
AYLINA von Indiefee Junior Very good 1
NISHA FEE OCEAN vom Egelschütz Intermediate Excellent 1 res.CAC, res.CACIB, VDH-Cha
KENIA the Red Dragon Open Excellent 1 VDH-Cha
JHAZZ of the Home Port Open Excellent 2 res. VDH-Cha
MONA-LISA vom Egelschütz Open Excellent 3
JELKA vom Wildweibchenstein Open Excellent 4
KAJA vom Egelschütz Champion Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, VDH-Cha
GWENDA-JOY von der Feldstiege Champion Excellent 2 res. VDH-Cha
Luavjan's FELINE Champion Excellent 3
J'ADORE di Scottatura Champion Excellent 4
IRIELLE von Eitzum Champion Excellent
FEENJA vom Egelschütz Veteran Excellent 1 VDH-Cha Vet.