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Národní výstava

Date: 07.09.2013

Place: Brno, CZ

Type: National show

Number of dogs: 21


Miroslav Václavík - Australian Shepherd, Groenendael, Malinois, Tervueren,

Dog name Class Awards Rank Title Note

Australian Shepherd | Male

EASON Medvědí tlapa Minor Puppy (Baby) Very promising 1
GO GO DANCER Carcassonne Tolugo Junior Excellent 1 CAJC,
GOLIÁŠ Srdcové eso Junior Excellent 2
KING OF MAGIC Great Lady Junior Very good 3
Stonehaven Bayshore SECRET STRIKE Winner Excellent 1 National Winner, CAC, BOB, CAC-ČMKU, BIG

Australian Shepherd | Female

BINBOA Cofi Capito Minor Puppy (Baby) Very promising 1
HOLKA Srdcové eso Junior Excellent 1 CAJC, BOJ,
AGATHA Šťastný koutek Junior Very good 2
CALAMITY JANE z Lodice Intermediate Excellent 1 National Winner, CAC, CAC-ČMKU,
ALLEGRA Vlčí dráp Intermediate Excellent 2 res.CAC,
DUFFY ze Zárybského dvora Intermediate Very good 3
AJRIN Dog Dream of River View Open Excellent 1 CAC,
FIDORKA Mladá Živa Open Very good 2
DÁMA Srdcové eso Winner Excellent 1 CAC,

Groenendael | Male

CYRO KAJ Callistopeia Junior Very good 1

Malinois | Male

NERO z Labského přívozu Junior Very good 1

Malinois | Female

CAMILCA HERBA Kawai Kaito Intermediate Excellent 1
CRAZY HEREDITÉ Kawai Kaito Open Excellent 1 CAC, (NV a BOB nezadán)

Tervueren | Male

ACCENT de Paliaro Junior Disqualified předkus

Tervueren | Female

AGORA de Paliaro Junior Excellent 1 CAJC, Best of Juniors,
LIA Dog Arabat Winner Excellent 1 National Winner, CAC, BOB, BIG4