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Date: 24.01.2020

Place: Nitra, SK

Type: International show

Number of dogs: 44


Lozić Željko - Australian Shepherd, Groenendael, Malinois, Tervueren,

Dog name Class Awards Rank Title Note

Australian Shepherd | Male

AMETHYST Chrystal Light Puppy Very promising 1 Best Puppy of Breed
CAMELOT Caniterra Puppy Very promising 2
QUEBEC Malý Bysterec Junior Excellent 1 CAJC,
BORN TO BE WILD Sofia's Choice Junior Very good 3
X'MEN Srdcové eso Intermediate Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB,
FORMAN Kings Paws Nijani Intermediate Excellent 2 res.CAC,
ANGELIC SIMBA Winter Diamond Open Very good 1
Nebesniy Aljans NEVER LET YOU GO Champion Excellent 1 CAC, res.CACIB,
Mystic Highlands GOT A STAR Champion Excellent 2 res.CAC,
JURÁŠEK Srdcové eso Honorary Excellent 1 Best Honor of Breed, BIS Honor - 3. místo

Australian Shepherd | Female

AELIN FIREHEART Happy Buddies Minor Puppy (Baby) Very promising 1 Best Minor Puppy of Breed
Northbay X'Sell Eisen MAGIC VOODOO Puppy Very promising 1
ZIVA Srdcové eso Junior Excellent 1 CAJC, BOS, BOJ, Junior BIG - 3. místo
ABOUT FAERIE AT Mystic Fire Junior Excellent 2
Mystic Highlands KING OF HEARTS Junior Excellent 2
PIE CHERRY Labakan Slovakia Junior Excellent 3
Mystic Highlands JUST PERFECT Junior Very good 4
DAMASK ROSE Joliesse et Charme Intermediate Excellent 1 CAC, res.CACIB,
VIOLET DREAM Cofi Capito Intermediate Very good 2
PRINCES AUSSIE'S Fatranský sen Open Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB,
D'ARYA Kings Paws Nijani Open Excellent 2 res.CAC,
BleuRoyal CRIME DIVA Champion Excellent 1 CAC,

Groenendael | Male

NUMBER ONE Polaris Champion Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB,

Groenendael | Female

BLUE BLUMA BriBiaDai Minor Puppy (Baby) Very promising 1 Best minor puppy
TIAMAT Polaris Junior Excellent 1 CAJC, BOS, BOJ,
VAMPIRE'S SMILE z Kovárny Working Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB,

Malinois | Male

Baco Noir Canis Legend Puppy Very promising 1
RIVAL Kwanah Intermediate Excellent 1 CAC,
HARLEY Hronovský pramen Open Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOS,
GAIK Monami Tenaj Open Excellent 2 res.CAC,
IRAAN spod Štrbského štítu Open Very good 3
HAROLD Hronovský pramen Champion Excellent 1 CAC, res.CACIB,

Malinois | Female

DASHA Sammar Bohemia Puppy Very promising 1 Best puppy
Hanny Monami Tenaj Puppy Very promising 2
YASMÍN Lubinov Slovakia Puppy Promising
URANIA Vitris Bohemia Junior Excellent 1 CAJC, BOJ,
CHIMÉRA Hronovský pramen Intermediate Excellent 1 CAC,
AIRIN Dekim lexus Open Excellent 1 CAC, res.CACIB,
VIKY Lubinov Slovakia Champion Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB,
DARA Fenomenal Slovakia Champion Excellent 2 res.CAC,

Tervueren | Male

TORUK MAKTO Polaris Junior Excellent 1 CAJC, BOB, BOJ, BIG 1, Junior BIG 2
WAIT A SEC! z Kovárny Working Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB,

Tervueren | Female

FINTA Deabei Minor Puppy (Baby) Very promising 1 Best minor puppy
Ketunpolun MAGIC MELODY Champion Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOS,