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Národní výstava

Date: 01.06.2019

Place: Erfurt, D

Type: National show

Number of dogs: 14


Dusan Paunovic - Groenendael, Malinois, Tervueren,

Dog name Class Awards Rank Title Note

Groenendael | Male

FARKLES Black Morion Open Excellent 1 CAC, BOB, VDH Ch.A.

Groenendael | Female

Eternity's QANELLE Intermediate Absent
ELLA von Canis Lupus Pallipes Open Excellent 1 CAC, BOS, VDH Ch.A.
Mucius FIONA Champion Excellent 1 res.CAC, VDH Ch.A.

Malinois | Male

EASON Cri de Loup Junior Excellent 1 BOS, VDH Ch.A.Ju. , Bester Junghund

Malinois | Female

Kathy vom Laufbachtal Open Excellent 1 CAC, VDH Ch.A.
Julie vom Herrenberger Schloß Veteran Excellent 1 BOB, VDH Ch.A.Vet , Vet.CAC, Bester Veteran

Tervueren | Male

Stefnic's ESCOBAR Junior Very good 1
LUIGI of Black Magic's Castle Open Excellent 1 CAC, BOB, VDH Ch.A.
TARRAS J'ADORE di Scottatura Open Excellent 2 res.CAC, res.VDH Ch.A.

Tervueren | Female

Stefnic's ELENYIA Junior Very good 1
UMBRA NOA di Scottatura Open Excellent 1 CAC, BOS, VDH Ch.A.
Stefnic's BELGIAN SAPHIRA Open Excellent 2 res.CAC, res.VDH Ch.A.
J'ADORE di Scottatura Veteran Excellent 1 VDH Ch.A.Vet , Vet.CAC, Bester Veteran