Fullscreen obrázek


Krajská výstava

Date: 09.09.2018

Place: Louny, CZ

Type: Regional show

Number of dogs: 7


Branko Milenkovič - Australian Shepherd,

Dog name Class Awards Rank Title Note

Australian Shepherd | Male

AND WHY NOT Verity's Magic Minor Puppy (Baby) Very promising 1
AND DON'T BE SHY Verity's Magic Minor Puppy (Baby) Very promising 2

Australian Shepherd | Female

AND LET'S TALK Verity's Magic Minor Puppy (Baby) Very promising 1
CLARIS Emiharr Junior Excellent 1 Vítěz třídy
AIRA Angie Bungee Junior Excellent 2
FRIDA FEARLESS od Halířů Open Excellent 1 Regional winner, Vítěz třídy
Prosto Chudo DIRTY DANCER Veteran Excellent 1 Vítěz třídy