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Krajská výstava

Date: 14.10.2018

Place: Rychety, CZ

Type: Regional show

Number of dogs: 8


Karel Hořák - Groenendael, Malinois, Tervueren,

Dog name Class Awards Rank Title Note

Groenendael | Female

ALAKIA Lakimari Puppy Very promising 1
ALUSIA Lakimari Puppy Very promising 2

Malinois | Male

FRONY Nieder Bohemia Puppy Cannot be judged
FABIO Kribar Junior Absent

Malinois | Female

AKANI z Hückelovy vily Junior Excellent 1 Vítěz třídy mladých
ARMIA Kaztana's Intermediate Absent
BESSY Jankari Open Excellent 1 Regional winner, Vítěz třídy

Tervueren | Male

FORS Novterpod Puppy Cannot be judged