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Mezinárodní výstava

Date: 10.06.2018

Place: Nitra, SK

Type: International show

Number of dogs: 9


Iveta Vojteková - Australian Shepherd,

Dog name Class Awards Rank Title Note

Australian Shepherd | Male

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE du Chemin de la Belle Etoile Puppy Very promising 1
Stormridge's LAST CALL Junior Excellent 1 CAJC, BOJ,
ALMOND CUPCAKE Saphija Junior Excellent 2
MARKÝZ Srdcové eso Champion Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG
JURÁŠEK Srdcové eso Honorary Excellent 1

Australian Shepherd | Female

PRINCES AUSSIE'S Fatranský sen Puppy Very promising 1
ALICE IN WONDERLAND Saphija Junior Excellent 1 CAJC, BOS,
CLARA OF Amaranthville Junior Excellent 2
RUSALKA Srdcové eso Champion Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB,