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PAGE Cofi Capito

Variety: Australský ovčák

Color: Red with white markings and brown tan

Date of birth: 12.08.2021

Initial Pedigree Nr.: CMKU/AUO/8100/21

Microchip: 900163000232296

Tail: long unshortened

Height: 48.5 cm

Sex: Female

Red deposit:

Other Pedigree Nr.:


Length: cm

Breeding status: Approved for breeding in CZ



Former owners:

Health information

Spayed/Neutered: Unknown

Bite: Scissor

Dentition: Complete

Teeth (note):

Last modification: 19.01.2025 18:45:13

X-ray and skelet examination:

Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED

Eyes examination:

Eyes Unaffected

DNA examination - health:

DNA profile of the dog DNA profil (cp)
ISAG 2006
DNA verification of parentag DNA ověření původu (vp)
verified parentage

Other examinations:

DNA examination - traits:



Inbreeding coefficient: 0% (According to the display of generations.)

Breeding Approval details

Základní bonitace Beroun

Chovná fena - v. 48,5cm, chrup kompletní, skus nůžkový, ocas nekupírovaný, plná délka, povaha vyrovnaná, temperamentní, přátelská

Známka: VD

(17.11.2024, rozh. Sonny Ström, S)



17.11.2024 Klubová výstava KCHBO, z.s. (Beroun | Club show) Open Very good
04.03.2023 KCHMPP (Lysá nad Labem, CZ | Regional show) Intermediate Good

Other exhibitions:

Working examinations

Other tests:

Working competitions


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There are no user videos uploaded for this dog

Full Siblings

PARIS Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan
PASCAL Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan
PONGO Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan
POPPY Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan
PRETTY Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan
PRINZ Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan
PRIX Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Red-merle with white markings and brown tan
PROUD Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan
PUFF Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan
PUMA Cofi Capito
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan


No result