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MYSTERIOUS GIRL from Sunny Hillside

Variety: Australský ovčák

Color: Black with white markings and brown tan

Date of birth: 03.08.2021

Initial Pedigree Nr.: CMKU/AUO/7996/21/24

Microchip: 953010004775092

Height: cm

Sex: Female

Red deposit:

Other Pedigree Nr.:


Length: cm

Breeding status: Approved for breeding in CZ

Note on breeding: Chovná fena (ZB), v. 51,5 cm



Former owners:

Health information

Spayed/Neutered: Unknown

Bite: Scissor

Dentition: Missing

Teeth (note): P1 vlevo dole neprořezaná

Last modification: 10.09.2024 00:00:00

X-ray and skelet examination:

Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED
Osteochondrosis of shoulders OCD
OCD not affected / not affected
Spondylartrosis of the spine SA

Eyes examination:

Eyes Unaffected

DNA examination - health:

DNA profile of the dog DNA profil (cp)
ISAG 2020
DNA verification of parentag DNA ověření původu (vp)
verified parentage
Degenerative Myelopathy (c.118G>A in the SOD1 gen) DM
N/N - healthy non-carrier
Malignant Hyperthermia MH
N/N - healthy non-carrier
Collie Eye Anomaly (NHEJ1) CEA
N/N - healthy non-carrier
Progressive rod-cone degeneration (c.5G>A PRCD gen) PRA - prcd
N/N - healthy non-carrier
Hereditary cataract (g.85286582del C gen) HC (HSF4)
N/N - healthy non-carrier
MDR1 gene defect (ABCB1 gen) MDR1
N/N - healthy non-carrier

Other examinations:

Patellar luxation PL

DNA examination - traits:

Note: HUU - N/N, brachyurie - N/ST (heterozygot pro kauzální mutaci), NCL6 N/N, NCL adult onset N/N, CMR N/N, - 2022-12-21, Laboklin


Inbreeding coefficient: 0% (According to the display of generations.)

Breeding Approval details

Základní bonitace Ratenice

CHOVNÁ FENA - v. 51,5 cm, skus nůžkový, chrup neúplný (P1 vlevo dole neprořezaná), ocas kupírovaný (původně NBT), povaha vyrovnaná, temperamentní, přátelská

známka: výborná

(14.5.2023, rozh. Claudia Bosselmann)



27.05.2023 Mezinárodní výstava (Litoměřice, CZ | International show) Intermediate Very good
14.05.2023 Klubová výstava KCHBO (Ratenice, CZ | Club show) Intermediate Excellent 3
13.05.2023 Klubová výstava KCHBO (Ratenice, CZ | Club show) Intermediate Excellent 4
29.01.2023 Mezinárodní výstava (Brno, CZ | International show) Intermediate Excellent 2


28.01.2023 Mezinárodní výstava (Brno, CZ | International show) Open Excellent 4
20.08.2022 Mezinárodní výstava (Mladá Boleslav, CZ | International show) Junior Excellent 2
07.08.2022 Mezinárodní výstava (Praha, CZ | International show) Junior Excellent
05.08.2022 Mezinárodní výstava (Praha, CZ | International show) Junior Very good
21.05.2022 Mezinárodní výstava (Litoměřice, CZ | International show) Junior Absent
08.05.2022 Speciální výstava KCHBO (Bochovice, CZ | Special show) Junior Excellent
07.05.2022 Klubová výstava KCHBO (Bochovice, CZ | Club show) Junior Very good

Other exhibitions:

4.6.2023 - MVP Postojna - mezitřída - V1, CAC, r. CACIB - rozh. Pero Bozhinovski (MK)
3.6.2023 - MVP Postojna - mezitřída - V3 - rozh. M. Myrna Shiboleth (IL)
9.4.2023 - MVP Barje - mezitřída - V2, r. CAC - rozh. G. Jipping (NL)
8.4.2023 - MVP Vrbljene - mezitřída - V2, r. CAC - rozh. L. Okleščen (SI)
7.4.2023 - NVP Barje - mezitřída - V2, r. CAC - rozh. Bonka G. Laslo (RS)

Working examinations

Other tests:

Working competitions


B lokus - bd (N/bd), bc (N/bc) - heterozygot, bs (N/N) - není nositelem alely bs - 11.12.2023 Laboklin DE

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Full Siblings

MADDIE DUSTY from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan
Photo/Video 2x
MAGNUS OLIVER from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan
MAX SAMUEL from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan
MIGHTY MOONLIGHT from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan
MILO BLAKE from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan
MIRACLE AIDA from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan
MONTANA EAGLE from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Black with white markings and brown tan


15.02.2024 - Father WIN WITH ROY od Halířů -

Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED

REBEL PRIDE from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Red-merle with white markings and brown tan
RICK CASTLE from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Red-merle with white markings and brown tan
ROCK STAR from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Red-merle with white markings and brown tan
ROMANTIC RILEY from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Red-merle with white markings and brown tan
ROYAL CHOCOLATE from Sunny Hillside
Australian Shepherd Red with white markings and brown tan