Variety: Australský ovčák
Color: Red with white markings and brown tan
Date of birth: 17.09.2019
Initial Pedigree Nr.: CMKU/AUO/5833/19
Microchip: 900057600051172
Height: cm
Sex: Female
Red deposit:
Other Pedigree Nr.:
Tattoo: nemá
Length: cm
Breeding status: Approved for breeding in CZ
Note on breeding: chovná fena (základní bonitace), v. 50 cm
Former owners:
Health information
Spayed/Neutered: Unknown
Bite: Scissor
Dentition: Complete
Teeth (note):
Last modification: 05.04.2022 00:00:00
Breeding Approval details
výška 50 cm, skus nůžkový; chrup úplný; ocas: kupírovaný, původně plná délka
Povaha během měření a kontroly chrupu: vyrovnaná
Posudek Klubová výstava 7.8.2021 Mladá Boleslav:
Very feminine; very good type + size + proportions; nice neck + topline; very good bone; enough angulation; good chest; very nice fenimine head + expression; well set ears; moves very nicely; prefer more ground covering
Velmi samičí výraz; velmi dobrý typ, velikost i proporce; hezký krk a horní linie; velmi dobrá kostra; dostatečné úhlení; dobrý hrudník; velmi hezká samičí hlava výraz; dobře nasazené uši; pohybuje se hezky, ale mohla by mít delší krok
Výborná 4
Rozhodčí: Britt Siegstad
07.08.2021 | Klubová výstava KCHBO (Mladá Boleslav | Club show) | Winner | Excellent | 4 | ||
29.02.2020 | Krajská výstava (Lysá nad Labem, CZ | Regional show) | Minor Puppy (Baby) | Promising |
Other exhibitions:
Working examinations
Other tests:
Working competitions
There are no user photos uploaded for this dog
There are no user videos uploaded for this dog
Full Siblings
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan |
14.05.2022 -
Ch. CopperRidge’s EXTENDED OFFER
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan |
16.08.2023 - Father SECRET AGENT FOR KASCARO du Glacier des Pandas -
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan |