Variety: Australský ovčák
Color: Black with white markings and brown tan
Date of birth: 02.01.2019
Initial Pedigree Nr.: CMKU/AUO/5173/19
Microchip: 956000006136079
Height: cm
Sex: Female
Red deposit: Yes
Other Pedigree Nr.:
Tattoo: nemá
Length: cm
Breeding status: Approved for breeding in CZ
Note on breeding: Chovná fena (ZB), v. 50,5 cm
Former owners:
Health information
Spayed/Neutered: Unknown
Bite: Scissor
Dentition: Complete
Teeth (note):
Last modification: 09.06.2024 00:00:00
Note: NCL 6, PCD, hyperurikosurie - N/N nepostižen - 9.2.2024 Genomia s.r.o.
Breeding Approval details
Základní bonitace Horka nad Moravou
Absolvovala základní bonitaci, výška 50,5 cm (nutno doložit DNA VP)
Posudek: black bi, 3 y 8 m, nice head, nice ear set, good almond eyes, nice neck, labyback shoulders, straight upperarm, good topline + tail set, nice fornt and rear ang. from the side, good movement from back and side, little toeing in front, little short on leg and heavy - známka velmi dobrá
(10.9.2022, rozh. Angie J. Challenger, UK)
29.01.2023 | Mezinárodní výstava (Brno, CZ | International show) | Open | Excellent | 4 | ||
10.09.2022 | Klubová výstava KCHBO bez KV (Horka nad Moravou | Club show) | Open | Very good | |||
31.07.2022 | Oblastní výstava Hubertka (Bordovice,CZ | Regional show) | Open | Absent | |||
07.05.2022 | Florinka (Olomouc, CZ | Regional show) | Open | Excellent | 2 | ||
09.04.2022 | Národní výstava přesunutá z Ostravy (Brno, CZ | National show) | Open | Very good | |||
05.02.2022 | Mezinárodní výstava (Brno, CZ | International show) | Open | Very good |
Other exhibitions:
Working examinations
Other tests:
BH-VT - 24.4.2022 Suchdol n. Odrou -55b. (obstál) - rozh. V. Košťál
ZZO - 19.3.2022 Suchdol n. Odrou - 60b. (prospěl výborně) - rozh. Bc. J. Lasík
ZZO1 - 29.5.2022 Suchdol n. Odrou - 94b. (velmi dobře) - rozh. Ing. J. Radovesnický
Working competitions
B lokus - B/bs jedinec přenáší hnědou barvu - 9.2.2024 Genomia s.r.o.
T gen - C/C přirozeně nezkrácený ocas - 9.2.2024 Genomia s.r.o.
There are no user photos uploaded for this dog
There are no user videos uploaded for this dog
Full Siblings
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
02.04.2024 -
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan |