Variety: Australský ovčák
Color: Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan
Date of birth: 16.04.2016
Initial Pedigree Nr.: ROI 16/51493
Microchip: 380260002554745
Height: cm
Sex: Female
Red deposit:
Other Pedigree Nr.: CMKU/AUO/5365/-19/16/19
Tattoo: nemá
Length: cm
Breeding status: Approved for breeding in CZ
Note on breeding: chovná fena (KCHMPP) 51 / 58cm
Former owners:
Health information
Spayed/Neutered: Unknown
Bite: Scissor
Dentition: Complete
Teeth (note): extrakce 3vlevo nahoře + horního špičáku (2.8.2019 + 23.8.2019)
Last modification: 07.04.2022 00:00:00
Note: Brachyurie - N/N, CLN6 - N/N, CLN8 (adult onset) - N/N, - 2022-03-17, Laboklin
Breeding Approval details
TYP: výborný/výstavní, BARVA: bluemerle, HLAVA: výborná, CHRUP: nůžkový, plnochrupý, dole vyražen řezák, OKO: výborné, PIGMENT: výborný, KRK: výborný, OCAS: dlouhý, UCHO: standartní, HRUDNÍK: výborný, HRUDNÍ KONČETINY: velmi dobré, PÁNEVNÍ KONČETINY: velmi dobré, HŘBETNÍ LINIE: výborná, POHYB: plynulý/živý/prostorný, POVAHA: přátelská/vyrovnaná
19.10.2019 Mladá Boleslav KCHMPP - rozh.: A. Mudra
Other titles:
Champion Romania 2019
20.10.2018 | Klubová výstava KCHMPP (AO) (Mladá Boleslav, CZ | Club show) | Open | Very good | |||
07.04.2018 | Národní výstava (Ostrava, CZ | National show) | Open | Very good |
Other exhibitions:
11.8.2019 - CACIB Alba Iulia - tř. otevřená - V1, CAC - rozh. Dr. B. Zsuzsanna (HU)
10.8.2019 - CACIB Alba Iulia - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - rozh. A. Ionescu (ROM)
10.8.2019 - CAC Alba Iulia - tř. otevřená - V1, CAC, best bitch, BOB - rozh. Dr. C. Vantu (ROM)
Working examinations
Other tests:
Working competitions
There are no user photos uploaded for this dog
There are no user videos uploaded for this dog
Full Siblings
No result
11.04.2021 -
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan |
08.04.2024 -
JCh. Ch. KlCh. QUIET STORM Carcassonne Tolugo
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan |