Variety: Australský ovčák
Color: Red with white markings and brown tan
Date of birth: 31.05.2014
Initial Pedigree Nr.: CMKU/AUO/2105/14/16
Microchip: 203098100343692
Height: cm
Sex: Female
Red deposit:
Other Pedigree Nr.:
Length: cm
Breeding status: Other
Note on breeding: chovná fena (KCHMPP), v. 51 cm
Former owners:
Health information
Spayed/Neutered: Unknown
Bite: Scissor
Dentition: Complete
Teeth (note):
Last modification: 05.02.2023 00:00:00
Breeding Approval details
27.9.2015 – Mladá Boleslav - bonitace KCHMPP
chrup úplný, skus nůžkový, výška 51 cm, délka těla: 55,5 cm, délka hlavy: 22 cm, délka nosu: 11 cm.
hlava velmi dobrá, mozkovna výborná, tlama velmi dobrá, oko výborná, uši velmi dobrá, krk výborná, předhrudí výborná, hrudní končetiny výborná, hrudník výborná, hřbetní linie výborná, pánevní končetiny výborná, tlapky výborná, ocas výborná, pohyb výborná, srst výborná, pigment výborná, typ výborná, povaha výborná, kondice sportovní.
Přednosti: výborný pohyb
Nedostatky: jemnější hlava, málo vyplněné líce, větší ucho, celkově lehčí typ
rozhodčí: Marie Marušková
15.04.2023 | Mezinárodní výstava (České Budějovice, CZ | International show) | Veteran | Excellent | 1 | ||
04.03.2023 | KCHMPP (Lysá nad Labem, CZ | Regional show) | Veteran | Excellent | 2 | ||
29.01.2023 | Mezinárodní výstava (Brno, CZ | International show) | Veteran | Excellent | 1 | CACIB-V | |
28.01.2023 | Mezinárodní výstava (Brno, CZ | International show) | Veteran | Excellent | 1 | CACIB-V | |
23.09.2017 | Národní výstava (Brno, CZ | National show) | Open | Excellent | 4 | ||
17.04.2016 | Klubová výstava (Mladá Boleslav, CZ | Club show) | Intermediate | Excellent | |||
16.04.2016 | Krajská výstava KCHMPP (Dětřichov, CZ | Regional show) | Intermediate | Very good | |||
09.04.2016 | Národní výstava (Ostrava, CZ | National show) | Intermediate | Very good | |||
24.10.2014 | Národní výstava (Brno, CZ | National show) | Minor Puppy (Baby) | Very promising | 1 | ||
23.10.2014 | Evropská výstava (Brno, CZ | FCI European dog show) | Minor Puppy (Baby) | Very promising | 3 |
Other exhibitions:
15.10.2017 Krajowa Wystawa, Jelenia Gora (PL) - tř. otevřená - výborná 1, CWC, Nejlepší dospělá fena - rozh. Beata Klawinska (PL)
Working examinations
Other tests:
AD (německá vytrvalostní zkouška) - 22.10.2017 Roudnice nad Labem - splnila - rozh. Miroslav Roškota
Working competitions
Full Siblings
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 23x
JCh. JKlCh. Ch. KlCh. GrCh. s. ELIXIR Cofi Capito |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 28x
Photo/Video 2x
JCh. Ch. CIB ESPERO Cofi Capito |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan |
08.09.2016 -
JCh. Ch. JEFF JUNIOR Srdcové eso
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
17.02.2018 -
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 10x
TAYLOR Cofi Capito |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Offsprings 16x
Photo/Video 3x
KlCh., Gch. TIA Cofi Capito |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan |
Hips dysplasy
Elbows dysplasy
0/0 |
25.04.2019 -
JCh. Ch. GrCh. TripleMoon HOT APPLE CIDER
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
BÍNA Jaren |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan |
23.05.2020 -
JIM BOWIE z Lodice
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan |
25.05.2021 -
GENTLEMAN Šťastný koutek
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Black with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Blue-merle with white markings and brown tan |
12.06.2022 - Father JCh. EXCELLENT BUTTERFLY Puella Fera -
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red-merle with white markings and brown tan | |
Australian Shepherd | Red with white markings and brown tan |