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NEFERTITI Anubis the Second

Variety: Malinois

Color: Fauve

Date of birth: 27.03.2010

Initial Pedigree Nr.: SPKP 2852


Height: cm

Sex: Female

Other Pedigree Nr.:

Tattoo: 2852

Length: cm

Breeding status: Other



Health information


Bite: Not set

Dentition: Not set

Teeth (note):

Last modification: 21.07.2011 00:00:00

X-ray and skelet examination:

Eyes examination:

DNA examination - health:

Other examinations:

DNA examination - traits:



Inbreeding coefficient: 0% (According to the display of generations.)

Breeding Approval details



Other exhibitions:

Working examinations

Other tests:

Working competitions


There are no user photos uploaded for this dog

There are no user videos uploaded for this dog

Full Siblings

ADIN Nell's D.A.
Malinois Fauve
Malinois Fauve
Offsprings 1x 🐶
APACHE Nell's D.A.
Malinois Fauve
ATLEY Nell's D.A.
Malinois Fauve
AVIOR Nell's D.A.
Malinois Fauve
BADASS MIRACLE World of Matrix
Malinois Fauve
BAMBITKA Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BAMBULE Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BANDITA Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BARBUCHA Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BASTILLE Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BE MORE SWEET World of Matrix
Malinois Fauve
BE MORPHEUS World of Matrix
Malinois Fauve
BEAT BY SWEETY World of Matrix
Malinois Fauve
Offsprings 7x 🐶
BESSY Stramir
Malinois Fauve
Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED
BESTIE Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BLAST OF ENERGY World of Matrix
Malinois Fauve
BLUDIČKA Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BOBULE Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BONBON Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BORIS World of Matrix
Malinois Fauve
BRUMLA Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
BUBÁK Strážce palisád
Malinois Fauve
Offsprings 2x 🐶
IDA Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
IDEAL de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
IGGY de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED
IIVARI de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
IKA Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
IKAR Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
ILDA Fofdog
Malinois Fauve
ILDA Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
IMPACT de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED
INCREDIBLE de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED
INDY Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
INIGA de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED
ININA de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
INKA Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
INVASIA de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
Hips dysplasy HD
Elbows dysplasy ED
IQUS Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
IRA Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
IRON de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
ISOLDA de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
IXUS Foxdog
Malinois Fauve
LAJOS de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
LAMAZE de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
LAUDA de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
LEMIEUX de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
LENOX de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
LOLA de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
LUXUS PUR de Alphaville Bohemia
Malinois Fauve
Q ARIEL Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
Q'ANGELA Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
Q'ARGO Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
Q'ARIEL Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
Q'ARNO Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
Q'ASLAN Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
Q'AVALON Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
Q'AVRIL Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
Q'AXEL Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
SALEM Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
SAVANNAH Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
SORBON Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
SPEEDY Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve
SPENCER Anubis the Second
Malinois Fauve


No result