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Smoke on the Water

Smoke on the Water

ID: 6571

Jméno psa Varieta Barva Pohlaví Datum narození
PITTA Smoke on the Water
Malinois Fauve Fena 01.08.2008
Potomci 1x 🐶
A-KWIN Smoke on the Water
Malinois Fauve Fena 05.06.2007
Potomci 1x 🐶
ICCI Smoke on the Water
Malinois Fauve Fena 15.04.2007
Potomci 1x 🐶
NO ANGEL Smoke on the Water
Malinois Fauve Fena 19.12.2004
Potomci 1x 🐶
NARO Smoke on the Water
Malinois Fauve Pes 19.12.2004
Potomci 7x 🐶
Int.Ch. NANDO Smoke on the Water
Malinois Fauve Pes